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    Stand out from the crowd

    In 2 Corinthians 6:17 it says, “we should come out from them and be separate”. What does this mean exactly? We live in a world today that encourages us to conform to one another. The only problem here is that God has made us all unique and wants us to stand out. This is how the light of God shines through each and every one of us. Coming to believe in Jesus as our Lord and savoir brings the holy spirit as our guide.  It’s kinda like a GPS directing our every move and telling us which way to go. The confidence we gain from our movements shines brightly for the world…

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    Where do you fit?

    Where do I fit in? Have you ever asked yourself this question? For me, I’ve always been searching for just the right place, a place where everything made sense and more importantly I made sense. A place where everything fell into place and the vision for my life would be beautifully revealed. You see, during my childhood I was very quiet, shy and typically not one to voice my opinion. I have never really wanted to be center stage nor did I ever feel I had the personality to do so. I preferred to keep to myself, unless needed, and even then would do so reluctantly.  Don’t get me wrong,…