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“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God .” Ephesians 2:8

Hello World! My name is Anne Blanchette and I’m a happily married Christian woman, mother of five, business owner and inspirational writer/speaker. My husband and I have a beautifully blended family of three boys and two girls ranging from college age to elementary school. We are a busy household to say the least. It was not always easy blending and raising five kids, I see it as one of my greatest blessings. As a wife and mother, I have found that my greatest strength is my trust and faith in God. I do not come from a traditional church background. In fact I like to view my life as a colorful palette of dark and light. My struggles are what ultimately pointed me in the right direction and after many scars and falls my eyes were opened. I have come to understand firsthand the saving power of God’s amazing grace and because of that I am committed to sharing His word and my experience with the world. I am a passionate follower of Jesus Christ who lives to encourage and inspire others through my writing and speaking. I am a former teacher, by trade, and I love to utilize those skills in order to teach others about the life giving word of God. My desire is to encourage everyone to draw close to God through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and I Hope to inspire others to unlock their faith and live out the abundant life found in Christ. Through all this my faith in Jesus is what holds everything together.
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