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Advent Season

The season of Advent is a period of both repentance and celebration. Christians spend time in spiritual preparation for the coming of Jesus Christ at Christmas. Believers remember not only Christ’s first coming to earth as a human baby but also celebrate his continued presence with us today through the Holy Spirit. Advent is also a time for worshipers to anticipate his return at the Second coming of Christ.

The word “advent” comes from the Latin term “adventus” which means “arrival” or “coming,” particularly the arrival of something or someone of great significance.

The lighting of an Advent Wreath is a traditional custom that originated in 16th-century Germany. On the branches of the wreath are four candles: three purple and one pink candle. In the center of the wreath sits a white candle.

First Sunday- Purple Candle- Hope

Second Sunday- Purple Candle- Peace

Third Sunday- Purple Candle- Joy

Fourth Sunday- Pink Candle- Love

Fifth Candle- White- Purity

Advent Calendar Dates for 2022

Merry Christmas,

Anne Blanchette

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