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My Current Read

I am currently reading this book called Deeper; Living in the Reality of God’s Love, by Debbie Alsdorf,  and I am eager to share the beautiful truths that I am finding within the pages. I originally purchased this book for my Mother in-law and after reading the back cover, I bought one for myself. This is an easy read and it is jam packed full of practical revelation. Finding truth in this world can be difficult, but Jesus is directing us, and sometimes it is through another’s experiences. As I have been reading, I am realizing that the Author has many similar heart experiences as myself. Woman in general struggle with many similar issues, and through sharing openly we can truly help one another. I am finding the Author had this intention when she wrote this book. She directs the reader to find their true identity in the Love of Christ, and for myself that is exactly how my heart condition changed. The love of Jesus is powerful and will transform your life, but it requires our willingness to get real. We must trust the Lord in order to become real with Him. He already knows the truth within our hearts, but We must know them before transformation can occur. Jesus did not come to condemn us, but to save us (John 3:17).This truth makes it easier to get real with God. In Chapter 3, I came across this scripture from 1 John 4:16; “And so we know and rely on the love God has for us”.  The author of this book defined both knowing and relying.  She explained knowing means to recognize, understand, keep in mind, and remember. She went on to define relying as to believe in, to put faith in, to trust in, to take as the word of truth. This explains why we must get real with God. Transformation will take place after we deepen our knowing and truly rely on the love of Jesus. I have made it my mission of sorts, to help other woman know His love. I am so thrilled I came across this book, and not only for myself, but for the many woman I am thinking about as I read it. I intend to give this book to who ever God places on my heart. Again, and Again and Again!


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