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Where do you fit?

Where do I fit in? Have you ever asked yourself this question? For me, I’ve always been searching for just the right place, a place where everything made sense and more importantly I made sense. A place where everything fell into place and the vision for my life would be beautifully revealed. You see, during my childhood I was very quiet, shy and typically not one to voice my opinion. I have never really wanted to be center stage nor did I ever feel I had the personality to do so. I preferred to keep to myself, unless needed, and even then would do so reluctantly.  Don’t get me wrong, I stepped out of my comfort zone a few times during my young life but still never felt completely confident or accepted. Can you relate to this?

Fast forward to today. In 1 Corinthians 13:12 it says ” For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.” I spent some time studying and reflecting on this scripture and the Holy Spirit lead me to a place with the Lord that was so beautiful. I know that God knows me better than I know myself. I know that He loves me unconditionally now and always. I know that He never makes a mistake in His creation, but yet I still wonder, “where do I fit in”? Who did God make me to be and what did He generously give me to offer the world as a blessing? Answer, He made me His! That means I am loved, cared for and blessed. Being aware of this through my faith allows me to fit in right where I am. I don’t have to do a thing. By grace I have been saved and through grace I am being changed. This is such a beautiful truth that I can now rest with confidence and peace.

Was it God’s intention to bring me peace and help me fit in? Well… not exactly. God used my insecurities to bring me closer to Him so I could serve His greater good. His true calling for me was to share His word! If you have ever felt a calling from God it is like no other and can not be ignored. There is no way I want to ignore it, but this has created a whole new set of insecurities! Ones that decieve, distract and make every attempt to disrupt God’s master plan for my life. The bible tells us that God did not make us with a spirit of fear, but of power, love and self-control (2 Timothy 1:7). When we come to the Lord and He changes our hearts then love, power and self control are ours to use, but that doesn’t mean you wont feel some of the same weaknesses that you felt before. Although, I still have insecurities that I could listen to I choose not too! I will trust, through faith, that God is with me, will equip me, and will lead me as I move toward my dreams. My faith tells me that He placed my passions and dreams on my heart and that I should pursue them with all my might. No fears, no worries, only confidence in Him that He will equip me as I boldly follow His direction. My advice to everyone is to MOVE in faith! Don’t wait, move now toward your dreams and trust completely in the God who knows you fully and loves you no matter what. There is no failure in faith! Step out boldly and watch the light of God shine through you as you chase and catch your dreams.

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