
A Child’s Path

Train up a child in the way he should go [teaching him to seek God’s wisdom and will for his abilities and talents],
Even when he is old he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6

How precious are our children, and how quickly they grow up ! I remember my youngest when he just started walking, he was so confident and fearless. This is how it should  be and if we raise them right they will confidently know the direction they should go. How do we , as parents do this? What should we intentionally be instilling in our children in order to feel secure as they walk off on their own?  We can teach them to be hard workers, dedicated and independent thinkers, while instilling values that promote good character and kind hearts. But, will this assure us that they will always walk in the right direction. No, it will not! We all must find our own way and at times we stumble, but it is what we choose to do after that stumble that truly leads us in the right direction. The direction we are all called to is straight to God! How we get there depends on what we have been equipped with. I did not know God growing up the way I do now, but maybe if I had,  I would have had fewer stumbles and less devastating falls. The point is, knowing God assures us that we will always rise from a fall and walk closer and closer into His arms. As a parent, we have a responsibility to equip our children well. We must share with them the knowledge and power of who our God really is and what He says about them. This is where they will find their strength to not only walk, but run with endurance the race that is set before them (Hebrew 12:1)! Let us live out a life that teaches by example!

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