
Help in the Shadows

“Those of us who are strong and able in the faith need to step in and lend a hand to those who falter, and not just do what is most convenient for us. Strength is for service, not status. Each one of us needs to look after the good of the people around us, asking ourselves, “How can I help?”
‭‭Romans ‭ 15:1-2  ‭


Have you ever felt alone in this world? Maybe you went though a struggle that was so overwhelming and no-one noticed or offered you a helping hand. As believers, we know the truth that God is always with us and it is more evident when His children reach out in demonstration of His love and acceptance.

We can reach out to others in grand ways and we see that in charity, missions and financial giving, but what about reaching out in the everyday moments? There are times people are silently suffering from grief, depression, sadness and loneliness.These are the emotional and mental needs, that we as Christians can meet. Let us not judge, condemn or gossip about someone who suffers from something we don’t understand. Instead, we should lift them up in love.

We can offer our friendship, acceptance, kindness and even a smile. Being a Christian is more than being obvious in our generosity, sometimes it is most demonstrated in the subtle everyday kindness that we extend to one another.

Today, let us reach out to others with all the love and kindness that God has instilled in us. Call someone just to say hello. Text a friend and say you are thinking about them. Forgive where you have been holding back. Accept someone different from you. Encourage someone with kind words. Refrain from judgment, gossip and just love.Look on others with fresh eyes today and remember we are all God’s children.

We are all One community and we must watch out for one another. Be that person who loves with bold, obvious extravagance!


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